How to get rid of booklice

Booklice (psocids) are very common household pests and although generally harmless to humans they can cause significant damage to property. Knowing how to get rid of booklice is important for fast and effective treatment.
What are booklice?
Booklice (psocids) are tiny, wingless, cream coloured or light-brown insects that typically invade homes, especially damp and humid environments.
They are soft bodied and have long antennae with a lifespan of around 6 months.
Despite their name they don’t actually feed on books but instead the mould, starch and glue found in the binding of books.
How to get rid of booklice
Since booklice are such tiny insects, getting rid of them can be quite difficult. However, there are steps you can take to treat an infestation.
Reduce humidity in your home
Booklice thrive in high humidity damp areas of your home. Use dehumidifiers and regularly aerate warmer areas in your home such as utility rooms, kitchens and bathrooms.
Apply booklice powder
To directly treat booklice, booklice powder can be applied directly onto the insects but more importantly into any cracks and crevices where they may reside.
This powder will create a residual barrier eliminating any booklice that come into contact with it.
Remove any mould or mildew
Booklice feed on mould and mildew so throwing out anything rotten will eliminate potential food spots and harbouring areas.
Signs of a booklice infestation
Knowing how to spot the signs of a booklice infestation can help you proactively prevent larger infestations. Common signs of booklice include;- Sometimes you will notice individual booklice crawling on walls or ceilings and within other damp areas.
- You may notice damage or small holes on paper products such as books, wallpaper and cardboard.
- Booklice are known to leave behind a fine, powdery residue especially in areas where they feed.
How to prevent booklice
Knowing how to prevent booklice can help prevent future infestations in your home. Ways you can prevent booklice include;- Try and keep susceptible rooms like the kitchen and bathroom well ventilated and aired by opening windows as often possible.
- Keep all your dry foodstuffs such as cereals in a cool dry well-ventilated place.
- Clean out your cupboards regularly, ensuring they are completely dry before putting your food back will also help.
- Seal any cracks with or joints inside cupboards with decorators caulk or silicone can also help.
Do booklice jump?
Booklice do not jump, but they can move quite quickly.
Do booklice bite?
They do not bite or sting as they do not feed on blood and are no threat to humans or pets. However, their sheer presence can be enough to cause anguish and distress.
What do booklice eat?
Booklice thrive in damp humid conditions which allows the fungal and mould development, which are essential dietary constituents for the booklice.
They feed on microscopic moulds that grow on the glue of book-bindings or on damp cardboard, damp food (especially cereals) or on the surfaces close to damp plaster inside buildings, which is very common with brand new houses.